Bought a pair of matching couple elastic (easier to wear esp in the morning when I have to rush to work) bracelets for SGD50 at Couple Lab-Plaza Singapure. This is my second item from Couple Lab as previously I have bought a ring set from there. Actually I have no idea what material they are made of (think is stainless steel) and come to think about it, it is quite expensive for such “silver” accessories, where you can get it cheap cheap from any other stores such as 77th Street or Diva. Not really into such matching couple accessories la. Then why still buy them? My partner into loh! :P Since is a matching pair so precisely a premium has to be paid. However, after paying for it, realized that the color of the bracelets are a bit different between the two. Sigh. Then dun look so couple-ish. Cheer up la. Haha.
Didn’t do any shopping till late at night around 9plus to 10pm as Wisma and some other malls were having late night shopping. Within an hr, I spend SGD100+. God! Luckily, I only managed to go Cotton On, Charles & Keith and Sasa. If I went on to other shops, think the amount I spent will be much more.
Didn’t manage to get any stuff from Charles & Keith, don’t really need a pair of new shoes even thought will love to have one. ;) However I bought a pair of black slippers at Cotton On as purchase of SGD50 and more can buy it at SGD5 and my current one is quite slippery esp on rainy day. Over at Cotton On, my other purchase are three long sleeve cotton tees (pink for SGD5, white and dark grey 2 for SGD20) for work and a black ¾ tights for SGD12.50 (as 2 for SGD25).
My last stop was at Sasa. Spent another SGD50 over there. God, what did I buy?? Bought a sample size of a hair treatment oil (SGD1.95), Shills’s Bubble Magic Peeling for SGD23.90 that is highly recommended by Nu Ren Wo Jui Da, a popular Taiwanese beauty program, a loose powder container for SGD2.55, a Red Earth Duo Blusher for SGD24 and lastly, two Beauty Talk’s Idebenone Q10 masks (each cost SGD1.95).
Luckily during weekday I do not have much time for shopping or else this list will be endless. Hope this week purchase will not be so long. Will talk further when I try them out. Cheers.
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