I love bags! I like to change bag for different outfit. However I feel a bit wasteful to buy all the branded bags as I do not really take good care of them. I put tons of stuff in them, I throw them on the floor etc. And eventually they will fade and torn even if you take super good care to them.
Then I thought buying cheaper bag is a better idea. So recently went Bugis and bought two bags for S$50. Look wise they are quite good and semi-formal so I can use for my work. However as I use them, I realized their quality is not so good. Less than one week of using, the buckle becomes very weak. Plus my little boy pulling, it just get worse! Now i am hoping they can last one or two months.

No more buying of cheap bag. Now I am exploring Charles & Keith's bag. Their bags look good but getting more and more expensive. A small one will cost slightly more then $50 and a big one will be about $80. Of course I am looking for a bigger one as I carry lot of stuff. Lol.

I tired Mango's bag around Charles & Keith price range but the quality is so so. Cannot hold too heavy stuff. Found a few Charles & Keith's bags that I like but must try and then decide Which one to get cos they all look so pretty in picture. So if you are me which one will you choose??

Cheers, have a good weekend.
Ps. I am on my way to a herbal hair treatment recommended by my boss. Hope it will help my gray hair. Will telk more after it. Lol
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